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Building an Enterprise Application with ASP.NET Core MVC
1. Trailer (1:15)
2. Demo - Completed Application (17:24)
3. Development Tools (9:37)
Software Architecture
4. Software Architecture (5:11)
5. Solution and Layers (3:43)
6. Project References and Depenedencies (2:25)
Domain Models & DbContext Class
7. Employee Domain Model (7:08)
8. PayRecord Model (12:08)
9. Enums (2:17)
10. ApplicationDbContext and Migration (9:26)
Git - Version Control System (VCS)
11. Version Control System - Git (4:18)
Employee Service
12. IEmployeeService - Interface (4:14)
13. EmployeeService - Implementation.mp4 (8:28)
14. Git - Tracking Entire Solution (5:04)
Employee Controller & Employee ViewModels
15. Index Action Method - EmployeeController (10:11)
16. EmployeeCreateViewModel and Data Input Validation (15:41)
17. Create Action Method - EmployeeController (22:05)
18. Edit Action Method - EmployeeController (13:14)
19. Detail Action Method - EmployeeController (6:33)
20. Delete Action Method - EmployeeController (5:44)
Built-in Dependency Injection (DI)
21. Register a Service for Dependency Injection (DI) (2:57)
Layout View
22. _Layout.cshtml - Top NavBar (7:39)
23. _Layout.cshtml - Finalised (16:22)
Employee View
24. Index.cshtml - Employee View (19:33)
25. Create.cshtml - Employee View (33:49)
26. Edit.cshtml - Employee View (6:30)
27. Detail.cshtml - Employee View (15:05)
28. Delete.cshtml - Employee View (5:05)
Payroll Computation Services
29. IPayComputationService - Interface (7:19)
30. PayComputationService - Implementation (11:57)
31. TaxComputationService - Interface and Implementation (14:25)
32. NationalInsuranceContributionService - Interface and Implementation (8:11)
33. StudentLoanRepayment Calculation (7:52)
34. Union Fees (2:43)
Payroll Controller & ViewModels
35. PaymentRecordIndexViewModel (7:27)
36. Index Action Method - PayController (5:14)
37. PaymentRecordCreateViewModel - View Model (6:02)
38. Create Action Method - PayController (22:55)
39. PaymentRecordDetailViewModel (3:52)
40. Detail Action - PayController (7:04)
41. Payslip Action Method - PayController (1:25)
PayComputation Views
42. Index.cshtml - Payroll List View (10:47)
43. Create.cshtml - PayComputation View (21:54)
44. Detail.cshtml - PayComputation View (19:34)
45. Payslip.cshtml - PayComputation View (19:15)
46. GeneratePayslipPdf Action Method - PayComputation (12:53)
47. EmployeeListPaginaction.cs - Pagination Implementation (21:09)
Identity, Authentication & Authorization
48. Configure Identity (11:13)
49. Data Seeding - Users and Roles (18:29)
50. Role-based Authorization (12:58)
Azure Cloud
51. Migrate Local SQL Server to Azure SQL Server (9:47)
52. Deployment to Azure Cloud (13:46)
Remote Repo
53. Push to Remote Repo ( (9:34)
Migrating from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to 3.0 version
54. Updating Visual Studio and SDK downloads (6:50)
55. Presentation Layer - Update 2.2 to 3.0 (6:48)
56. Startup.cs - Update 2.2 to 3.0 (6:30)
57. Entity Layer - Update 2.2 to 3.0 (1:06)
58. Persistence Layer - Update 2.2 to 3.0 (2:36)
59. Services Layer - Update 2.2 to 3.0 (6:40)
PaycomputeApp - SourceCode Source Code
53. Push to Remote Repo (
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